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Philosophy of Religion Complete Material (Patanjali IAS Institute) Paper 2 – Part B Click here to Download. Complete Philosophy Material (Handwritten notes of 2015-AIR 150) by Mitras IAS Click here to Download. IGNOU – Philosophy Material Click to Download. Philosophy Topper Strategy Click Here. Booklist coaching wala youtube video link test series etc. Why I will go with Philosophy(Eng+hindi med)+ Book-list + Coaching wala notes+etc. IAS 2017 AIR-33 Ganga Singh talks about books. Important Books for Philosophy optional for UPSC IAS Main February 25, 2017 Written by Byjus Leado From the inception of UPSC Examination, has been one of the most scoring subjects in UPSC IAS Mains exam. Logic is one of the discretionary subjects offered by the UPSC in the common administrations mains exam. It is progressively getting to be plainly prominent among IAS applicants for an assortment of reasons. Theory includes the same number of toppers' discretionary subject frequently.
EDIT 3: Going Anonymous for the obvious reason of not antagonising any coaching class, as you never know during Civil Services preparation who’s assistance you will require. But wanted to give my honest opinion and save the labour and toil of future aspirants.
Now this is a tricky question which I will try to answer transparently and honestly without an iota of self-interest.I have philosophy optional and studied it thoroughly.
Edit 7: All my dear friends, please do not choose philosophy because of its short syllabus. Actually, UPSC does not discriminate at least w.r.t subject. All subjects are at parity.
Short syllabus is not apt. Actually, its short syllabus with good amount of hardwork. I mean good amount. Reason I am saying this is because results are testimonial to it.
If you go through previous years result, over a period of 10 years i.e. from 2005–2015, You will get few 1st timer clearing with philosophy and that too, with not that great score.
For philosophy, you need to have something to understand philosophers. Even average student can understand it, but it requires good amount of thinking power and good common sense.
A.Why Only philosophy and not other?
1.I ticked on the subject because it clicked to me.I was not inclined to Philosophy, but when I had my first tryst with the subject,my heart and my mind(both) gave their approval.So for me it was love at first sight.
2.Short and time bounded syllabus.
But I would suggest you to attend some trial classes and contemplate on different aspect.You should have interest for the subject or else in this hard wrenching journey of UPSC, you may actually start disliking the subject and will eventually quit.
B.What are some of the pre-requisites of Philosohy Optional for UPSC Civil Services?
1.Itrequires art of writing and practice. Writing is essential without that you will never understand your grasping of the content. Reason is, in philosophy,there are n number of ways saying the same thing which is not in science.
However much clarity you have, when question framing changes the whole game changes. You NEED TO WRITE.WRITE.WRITE. Conceptual clarity is must(If you have a teacher like Mitra Sir,then you are very fortunate).
2.You need to love Philosophers, their theories,ideas and thoughts.If you can do this ,you will effortlessly assimilate them and will be in a position to answer them.
C.What are the precautions to be taken while choosing philosophy optional?
1.Not to get lured by short syllabus(Seriously, all coaching centers say that. But its a myth unless you are damn intellectual to understand all theories in the 1st time itself) as it may prove fatal if questions are intermingled and Questions are raised to a whole new level.You should have a ZEST for philosophy.
Current mentality and trend among students opting philosophy is for short syllabus- A HUGE MISTAKE. YOU NEED TO HAVE N NUMBER OF REVISIONS.Without notes, please keep your cookie ready in exam hall. You won’t remember damn.
2.You will have to read reference books.Don't be under illusion of sufficiency of Notes.
3.PL DO NOT FOLLOW THE CROWD.BEWARE of it. As current trend is to go for the shortest syllabus due to time constraint(Student attempting 2016 prelims).But if You are a fresher, you have whole window of optionals ,just have a glance at them.If you love Anthropology,Sociology, go for it.No doubt,scoring trend has to be analyzed. But your INTEREST matters a lot.
Best of Luck.
EDIT 2: Athar Amir Khan ( AIR-2, CSE 2015) scored shoot to 250’s from 190’s in his previous attempt. I think this has to be attributed to Amir’s hardwork and even to Mitra. We both were in the same classroom quality enrichment programme.
His lectures were damn inspiring. For Ethics, his lectures were amazing. Essay on Education and values was co-incidentally exact what he taught in ethics lecture.
Though we both were acquainted from 1st attempt, in his 2nd attempt, I suppose he improvised over concepts and content which was lacking in previous attempt. And also he could not devote enough time for philosophy.
Amir had good command over GS.Even I was amazed at this. His memory was prolific. His reading habits were diverse. Co-relation quite good.
EDIT 1: Many students have queries regarding philosophy coaching and institutions. I will share my genuine and unbiased experience.There are 2 well known coaching center and I have studied in both of them. So I think, I am eligible to answer them critically and comprehensively.
A. Mitra's :
B. Patanjal
1. More emphasis on conceptual clarity. I think he spent maximum time on explaining concept than any other teacher. No writing of notes in the class, rather solving of past questions by focusing on writng answers in the class.
2. More answer writing sessions in the class itself.
3. He gives personal attention to each student and even papers are checked by him personally with feedback sessions.
4. Very concise notes. Very easy to grasp content.
5. Sought after classroom and test series programme.
Download windows 10 full crack. 1. Sometimes he delays checking, but that is the case with most of the good teachers.
1. Socio-political philosophy part is good.
2. Not concise notes in the sense that for a fresher it becomes tough to grasp content as some part of it is copy paste from the reference books . So notes looses its fluidity. More of a copy paste from reference books.
In this aspect Mitras notes are good.
1. Dharmender Sir's focus on conceptual clarity is not that much as to what Mitra has. Lacunae in absence of fluidity in co-relating philosopher and is static in approach. He lives in the Platonic era.
Moreover, contemporary philosophy part is taught in a haste. He is somewhat better in Indian philosophy (Though not better than Mitra. Vedantic philosophy is 10x better at Mitra. I mean 10x. Hear his lectures.).
Contemporary Western philosophy is not that good. You can hear his audio lectures if you get hold of it.
2. When I attended his coaching, he was not regular in checking answers . Feedback is common with the same intros. C'mon man, change this atleast (If ever Dharm. is reading !!!). You have to see the essence of the answers not the specific content.Intro should present the appropriate essence and not your rote learned content.
3. With regards to test series, situation is more worse. A guy I know getting 170 in paper-II score just 50 in the final exam. I can expect many things going wrong, but such a drastic difference in Paper-II, not edible. Every experience candidate knows this well. Eventually he rectifies his mistake by joining another optional coaching.
In a nutshell, it is your choice.
Books are few and are commonly followed.
Indian Philosophy: Dutt and Chatterjee; C D Sharma
Western Philosophy: Y. Masih
Socio Political Philosophy: O. P Gauba- One and only
Philosophy of Religion: Y Masih and John Hick . Depends upon the student which he chose. Again here Masih is descriptive and much content has to be skipped. Ambuj Srivastav notes for this part is good.
Coaching notes:
Both Mitras and Patanjali notes in some part are good. But there are lacunaes in both of them
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Consider this,
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Mitras new Notes of Socio - political are more better, descriptive & Exhaustive, specially political part. Because you need to be conceptually very clear as answers in Part II are subjective. I would recommend lethal combination of Both i.e. Gauba + Mitra. Its exhaustive and you will adore it once you have learned them. Do not rote learn. Create your thinking process.
While in Contemporary Western part Patanjal notes are more descriptive and can be read as they are briefed and detailed. Mitras notes will console you and motivate you as they are short and comprehensible easily, but you will have to augment content in notes.
In Western though Mitra notes are lucid, but in some chapters some parts are missing which will have to be augmented from Patanjal
I even augmented some content in Philosophy of religion from Ambuj Srivastav too. But then it is too cumbersome and needs huge time. So please be cautious. Keep yourself to 2 sources at the max.
MAKING NOTES AT BOTH PRELIMS AND MAINS LEVEL is essential. I would recommend making notes of all the syllabus without excuse .
G.k Haryana Books Hindi Ma
EDIT 5: I have tried my best to be as objective as I can, to the best of my ability.
Student like me, cannot be deterred from sharing my genuine experience with you people ,mostly freshers. I fear no coaching institute for any of my comments because this is what truth I have experienced and it cannot be changed.
I am ready to take responsibility for my answer and any future course of action.
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I hope, the aspirants can make a right choice. Not like me, who just took many decisions blindly when I started my preparation.
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EDIT 6 : Never knew, even a senior bureaucrat upvoted my answer. Thanks a ton.
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Will reply to comments post-prelims.