Independence Day Good Morning Dave Wav
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- For most American civilians, their introduction to AFVN came via 1987’s film “Good Morning, Vietnam” starring Robin Williams as the exuberant disc jockey Sergeant Adrian Cronauer. But that was a Hollywood depiction.
- I've searched everywhere with google and can't find a 'Good morning dave' wav or other sound byte from 2001 a space odessey, or from independence day. There are tons of other clips for this movie all over the web but for the life of me I can't find one.
- Good Morning Dave Sound File
- Hal Good Morning Dave Wav
- Independence Day Good Morning Dave Wav To Mp3
- Good Morning Dave Wav File
- Independence Day Good Morning Dave Waver
- Independence Day Good Morning
In the film Independence Day, when David Levinson opens up his laptop onboard the captured alien spaceship, HAL's interface camera is shown and the laptop says in HAL's voice, 'Good Morning, Dave.' In the video game Destroy All Humans 2, occasionally a levitated hippie will say 'Open the pod bay doors, HAL.' Independence Day Good Morning Dave Wav Notice: We are a community based organization dedicated to the implementation of fair and consistent guidelines in all California counties as a safe harbor from.
EditFollowed by
Edited into
Bill Pullman's voice can be heard at the end of the video
Movie tie-in games.
mentioned in a line of dialogue
The scene from black and white movie shown in the Casse trailer is from The Day the Earth Stood Still
The orientation of the bent street lamps and overturned cars as seen through the tank's night vision makes them resemble the Martian spaceships from the 1953 film.
Smith goes backwards and hits a wall and then he says 'Whoops,' because someone wrote the instructions wrong. The situation and quote was taken from the Daffy Duck cartoon of Duck Dodgers in the 24½th Century (1953).
References in dialogue
Directly lifts exotic dancer dialogue bit.
When Julius prays the secretary of defense says 'But I'm not Jewish'. Julius answers: 'Nobody's perfect'.
Will Smith's squadron were stationed at El Toro air base. This is the same name as the air base from which the Flying Wing Bomber flew out of to drop in the movie
When Randy Quaid's character rides the missile to crash it into the alien ship
Referenced by name (Special Edition only)
The visual of the Statue of Liberty half buried in the sand
'Good Morning, Dave' startup message on David's computer
Constance reads a news article sentence that includes the quote 'Please sir, can I have some more?'
Movie title mentioned in a line of dialogue; also, the chopper pilot's using lights (and playing the same 'duh-dah-duh-duhh-duhm' tune, complete with improvised 'lowered octave and artificially fuzzed' final two notes) to communicate with the alien ship is similar to the officials' doing the same to communicate with the alien ships in 'Close Encounters.'
Close up of the Aliens emerging from the ship head first at night
IMHO: The sequence where Bill Pullman climbs the ladder to his jet and watches the UFO take off bears a strong semblance to the scene in ESB where Luke climbs into his X-Wing after the Hoth battle and watches the Falcon take off.
'I picked a hell of a day to quit drinking' line
Open reference by a character
In the dissection scene, the alien stands up waving his tentacles and making sounds that recall the alien from the John Carpenter film.
'For those of us accustomed to the likes of Close Encounters and Alien Space Ship..' Also the huge round alien ships positioning themselves above major cities.
Among the sounds used to produce the noise the televisions make when they're experiencing the reception disturbance is the famous breathing of Darth Vader when he takes off his mask in Return of the Jedi
The 'Osaka police office' from the movie is seen
The 'Osaka police office' from the movie is seen
Steven called David Levinson 'Captain Skyhawk'
After Steven hits the alien then David Levinson said 'How can the same smeg happen to the same guy twice?'
A child can be seen playing with The Predator toy from Predator 2 in one scene in the film
Mecha-King Ghidorah toy can be seen
The line, 'Eh, fuck my lawyer,'
Goldblum's 'Must go faster, must go faster!' line.
When talking about snow boarding
A man in the satellite call centre talking on the phone says 'Yes ma'am, I love the X-Files too'
A car crashes through a billboard for the movie
The scene onboard the submarine U.S.S. Georgia uses a set from Crimson Tide
Stuck in traffic, Fierstein demands over his cellphone that he speak with Dr. Katz. Fierstein himself was previously a guest character on the show.
Corinthians 1:30 When the virus takes over the computer
The scenes with the stealth bombers used sets from Broken Arrow
Between principal photography and the re-shoot of Russell's scenes in his F18, the cockpit mock-up was from The Rock
Referenced in
The UFO is shown on the movie screen in 'Hollywood Holocaust'
Mentioned by name.
Film mentioned and still photos shown.
Kim mentions this in a conversation with Niecy
Charlie tells Richard he's seen it.
Dick and Mary stand in front of a model of the alien ship in the sci-fi convention.
Referenced during cold opening, monolgogue and 'Hollywood Party'
The movie poster is seen during Will Smith's acceptance speech for the Best Film Actor Award.
Poster on wall in Matt's room.
A Jeff Goldblum action figure is shown.
Poster on billboard.
Mentioned as one of the year's best films.
ID 4 - ID Day (1996) was the official TV video clip for promotion to the Sci-Fi feature Independence Day (1996).
Larry mentions that Harvey Fierstein appears in the film
Is mentioned in the show
Mentioned by David Percy.
Peter comments that the kidnapper had seen the movie too many times.
title reference
The entire Katina level, including the character Bill Grey, is a reference to this film.
Mention by Jeff Goldblum
Referenced during the 'Air Force One' review.
Storm Owl's airships fires a laser similar to the alien destroyers
Independence Day theme can be heard at the end of the episode once the planet's people have been freed from the SG-9 leader-turned-god. Independence Day score was by David Arnold who also wrote the theme for Stargate.
There is a poster of the film in Chris' room.
Mike: I never thought I'd say it but suddenly Independence Day seems a richly nuanced movie.
Liz refers to the film and its star Will Smith.
C. Schlingensief asks Roland Emmerich for 9,000 D Mark to shoot a remake of 'Independence Day'
Installing virus (=Windows 95!) into a alien spaceship
A poster of the movie is seen in Jim's room.
Mike refers to the film.
Mentioned by name
Daniel Jackson makes a sarcastic remark about how they can defeat the Goa'uld by uploading a virus into the mothership.
When clicked repeatedly the Wraith pilots quote Will Smith's character in the scene where he and Jeff Goldblum fly to the mothership: 'I gotta get me one of these.'.
A small statue of an alien from Independence Day (1996) (also directed by Roland Emmerich) is visible in the broadcast booth at Madison Square Garden.
Mulder urinates on a poster for the film
Pete tries to rally the other tennants against the landlord by saying 'Today can be our independence day!'
They talk about this film too after getting it confused with independant movies.
Marco jokes 'It worked on 'Independence Day'.' and Jake tells him 'They had Will Smith.'.
The soldier hypnotically stares at the magnifying glass saying 'It's beautiful'.
mentioned once
When discusses science fiction films, Casey speculates that Roland Emmerich may be an alien. Casey later refers to the scene in which the White House is destroyed.
Poster on the wall
The Simpson family's escape from the smoke cloud is a reference to a scene in Independence Day.
In the ice-man's 1996 habitat, an Independance Day poster is on the wall.
poster visible at Mr. Chu's video store
Poster displayed at the UFO Museum and Research Center in Roswell.
The Trade Federation ships closing in on Naboo like the alien ships closing on Earth
Dr. Evil mentions using footage from this.
mentioned along with Deep Impact, Armageddon, and Independence Day
Elements of the plot. Also, Dr. Phil Van Neuter is attacked in a smoke-filled room by the rats just like Brent Spiner's character got attacked by the captured alien in ID. He gets pushed up against the glass and says 'release me'.
There is a poster for Independence Day outside the video store
Sharon: 'Tell them how to bring those sons of bitches down!'
During the introduction to the Sheen vs. Douglas match, Johnny Gomez mentions that Bill Pullman played the American president in the film.
The escape from the mothership scene is recreated.
A poster for a film called 'GUZ' in the style of 'ID4' in Will Smith's house based on this movie.
Title appears on screen when Jeff Goldblum is in shot.
Character's T-Shirt.
the films alien uses a human telepathically to speak.
Parody poster at the movie rental store.
Just before the shooting Andre utters the line, 'Let's kick the tires and light the fires'
Jesus tells Santa 'You're a.. bad liar' after the former is shot and is about to die.
Jason compares the power loss to the plot of Independence Day (1996).
the man in the space station talks about uploading a computer virus to the spaceship to disable it, just like 'independence day'
While announcing Aileen Wuornos' death to the press, a prison spokesman says that during her final pre-execution statement she said 'Like on Independence Day, on June 6th, just like the movie, on the big mothership, I'll be back, I'll be back'.
Cloud formation when space ship arrives
Oglethorpe: No, it is a Fargate! From the makers of Thindependence Day!
mentioned once
The house's screens go staticky and a laughing Jolly Roger appears. This happens in the alien ship in 'Independence Day'. The skull and laugh are identical.
Leland Orser mention it once
Arthur mentions it. Later, video case is shown in a video store.
Poster for a similar movie in the movie studio.
mentioned once
Mentioned once.
The scenes in which large cities were destroyed by a rolling fire were made to look like those being destroyed in Independence Day.
This title is referenced.
The Xilian aliens' mothership uses an energy shield that made their ship invulnerable to all attacks. It was eventually brought down (see reference to RETURN OF THE JEDI).
nuke planted in alien mothership
'Uploading' a Slayer CD at the end is very similar to the computer virus uploaded in this film.
During the interview, Bill Pullman says he was in this movie.
Referenced by title
On his first ride in the Batmobile, Lt. Gordon exclaims, 'I've got to get me one of these!' (a memorable line from ID4)
correct response in 'This Movie Is a Disaster!' category
Referenced by name
In one scene, the Black Arms destroy the White House in exactly the same fashion as in Independence Day's famous scene.
One of Johnny's favourite monologues
Goldblum's past movies are mentioned in conversation
Mentioned once by Paul Verhoeven
The Nerd makes references to the film.
mentioned once
DVD and video case are shown.
mentioned once
Movie is referenced.
When Simmons is trying to hack into a computer, Grif says 'I find viruses that feature a laughing skull tend to work best.'
Mentioned by Spielberg.
The Apollo Fighter as it is finished being built, it says 'Just kick the tires and light the fires.'
Jaden Smith repeatedly asks for his father who would have killed those aliens
mentioned once
A person in the space station talks about uploading a computer virus to the spaceship to disable it, just like in the movie.
the 'we will not go quietly into the night' speech around 1h 5m into the movie
The plan to take down the machines is said to be exactly like the one in this film
Right after the spaceships arrival college student #1 is interviewed on TV and says 'Dude, This IS Independence Day', whereby college student #2 replys and points out the fact that ID4 in turn was a ripoff of a any number of previous scifi movies.
Good Morning Dave Sound File
Mentioned during Weekend Update and picture shown
Mention twice by Roland Emmerich
Obama goes from talking about Independence Day to aliens
Peter thinks Ollie Williams looks like Will Smith and asks what it felt like to punch the alien in the face.
When Carly grabs Nora's arm through the slot and pulls her face against the glass, Nora growls in a weird voice 'Release me!', a reference to a scene in Independence Day.
Poster is shown briefly
Philip Hinchcliffe mentions this film
other films from Roland Emmerich
Mike refers to Bill Pullman's monologue during his inspirational speech.
Mentioned by Karl
Mentioned by Will Smith (Jay Pharoah)
title mentioned
Rob, impersonating Jeff Goldbum, says 'checkmate!'
mentioned among Emmerich's other films
Mentioned by Gary, a still image from the movie is shown, and the title appears on the list of highest grossing movies.
title is referenced
Director/Narrator mentions he was a technical adviser on this film
The film is discussed
Poster is shown.
Mentioned in a line of dialogue
mentioned among Roland Emmerich's previous films
'Her boyfriend is played by that guy from Independence Day.'
Mentioned in dialogue.
Vivica A. Fox is introduced as having been in the film
Ignatiy mentions that Roland Emmerich directed the film
Title mentioned while introducing Jeff Goldblum
Poster is seen
title mentioned
title mentioned
Erod talks about Will Smith's other blockbusters.
Mentioned by Tim Ley.
Answer to question in category Will Smith Movies
Listed as one of Will Smith's movies with explosions.
mentioned in dialogue
The destruction of That Sci-Fi Guy's house is a variation of the destruction seen in this movie.
Mentioned by Mike, and a still image from the movie is shown.
mentioned in dialogue
Executor: 'Independence Day. Doesn't get any better. '
'She starts going Bill Pullman and sees vision of the aliens' past..'
VHS is seen in James Rolfe's collection.
Mentioned in dialogue
Mentioned by the narrator
Jay says that seeing the White House under attack in 'Olympus Has Fallen' is different from how it was in 'Independence Day'
Plot line about flying into the mothership to nuke it
Tour guide mentions this movie by the same director Roland Emmerich.
Date of alien invasion: 4th of July
The 4th of July is known as the 17th anniversary of this movie.
another film by Roland Emmerich
Corri states that Jeff Goldbum uploading a computer virus to an alien race in Independence Day made no sense.
Mentioned by Alex.
Chris mentions it. Also, DVD is shown.
Russell Casse appears
Poster shown and credited.
'..they're like the aliens from Independence Day.'
Mentioned as one of Roland Emmerich's films.
The Critic almost does the 'Boomer will live' meme, but stops himself

The attack position how Mazer Rackham piloted his aircraft into the enemy ship, destroying it
Mark alludes to it. Also, poster is shown.
Referenced in the 'Bad Boy Rap' sketch
Title reference.
Caroline tells Hannah she auditioned for the role of Alicia Casse in the film.
Mentioned in dialogue
many of the plot elements
Mentioned by the narrator
Mentioned by narrator
poster shown
The film ends with a final battle involving a spaceship ready to decimate an entire city with heroes in ships firing at the enemy ship's shields.
Chris mentions it. Also, DVD is shown.
A wrong guess by Andy Samberg in the 5-Second Summaries game
Mentioned that Bill Pullman was president
The movie is mentioned.
'Tonight, we dine in our Independence Day!'
Near the end when the Gorg ship opens its doors (so to speak). The fact the Gorg are small beings using an exo skeletal suit.
The movie is mentioned.
Government palace destroyed in the same fashion as the White House
Mentioned by James as he introduces Jeff Goldblum
Mentioned in dialogue
Title selected by Jimmy in the 5-Second Summaries game
'Today we celebrate our Independence Day!'
Title mentioned once.
Mentioned by Jimmy as he and Adam Sandler talk about Pixels (2015)
Jack says Pixels should have been a remake of Independence Day
a math problem involves the year of the film's release
When the military suggests nuking an alien vessel in order to destroy it, several characters state that a similar plan didn't work in Independence Day. In that movie, attempts to nuke an alien destroyer above Houston, Texas, fail.
The Soldier excitedly yells at and attempts to shoot the UFO with his shotgun.
Title mentioned
Mentioned by Mark.
Title seen on movie poster
'upload a virus into the alien mothership's computer core'
Alien spaceship hovers over their city ready to decimate an entire city
Mike and Jay mention Randy Quaid in Independence Day
Mentioned in dialogue
Junior plays 'Movie Quiz' by himself and gets 'Independence Day'
reference to Roland Emmerich and Area 51
Jimmy mentions the movie with a new sequel
Jeff Goldblum refers to his earlier movie
Shows a photograph featuring Will Smith's character
Discussed on Diminishing Returns podcast.
Images are shown
Mentioned in the segment A Closer Look
Will Smith mentions his earlier movie
a successful Will Smith movie
poster visible
Critic imitates Randy Quaid saying 'I'm baaaaaaack!'
The movie is mentioned.
Title mentioned on Weekend Update
The movie is mentioned.
Patrice Vermette mentions this film.
Hal Good Morning Dave Wav
Mentioned by Milan Peroutka.
Ben Roy mentions ths movie by name
Winn says, 'Well, yeah, not to mention the full-on Independence Day (1996) going out there with the mothership hovering over the city.'
Mentioned by Vivica A. Fox.
movie poster appears when Jay says Mother! is the arthouse version of Hollywood 'shut-your-brain-off' movies
Jeff Goldblum mentions working with Dean Devlin, the director of Gerard Butler's new movie Geostorm (2017)
Mentioned by Bill Clinton.
mentioned by Adrian Wojnarowski
Breaking News! is #3.
Mentioned by Yvette Nicole Brown as one of the films she would watch over and over again during the zombie apocalypse.
Mentioned by Graham when introducing Jeff Goldblum
Mentioned by Piers.
The 'Independence Day' franchise is #3.
Mentioned by Robin as a movie where the White House gets destroyed
Referenced in the cold open
Mentioned by Graham when introducing Jeff Goldblum
Mentioned by Sean.
The movie comes up in discussion.
The movie is mentioned.
The movie is mentioned.
Bill Pullman shortly talks about his successful movie
Mentioned by Barry.
Neil deGrasse Tyson and Jeff Goldblum discuss an invasion by evil aliens
Mentioned by name in dialogue
The movie is mentioned.
Roach asks Beta, 'A giant ark? Is this like Independence Day?'
Is playing on the TV monitor at the Casse home.
It is featured on the television screen near the start of the film
Featured in
A clip is shown.
Clips are shown.
Jakob Stegelmann recaps the history of aliens from other worlds featured in sci-fi films, comic books and other fiction, mentioning the film + clip shown
Clips shown in Best Action Sequence and Best Movie category
Clip shown
Documentary about this title's director
footage is shown from this film
footage appears throughout
Footage from this film was edited into this mini-series.
clips at various points
Clips from this film are featured in 'The Great American Culture Quiz' segment.
A fragment is shown.
Clips of the movie were shown.
Clips shown.
clips shown and discussed
A downtown explosion scene is used
'Filmstradamus: The End of the World' segment
Features Clip
Clips of mistakes shown
Features Will Smith's line 'welcome to earth'
Movie reviewed/clips shown.
Taking the #2 best disaster movie
Clips shown.
Independence Day is #1.
Seen on TVs in the electronics store
Some clips are shown
Independence Day is #1.
'This week we're going to reference Independence Day as a positive.'
recalling the scene of Boomer surviving the tunnel explosion
Features scene where White House is destroyed
'Welcome to earth, indeed.'
David Levinson takes #2 on the good side
Clips of mistakes shown
The alien encounter is #10.
Welcome to Earth is #8.
Film trailer used
Russell Casse is #5.
The battle speech in Independence Day is #6.
Independence Day Good Morning Dave Wav To Mp3
Clip is shown
Clip shown
The White House explosion in Independence Day is #1.
The Locusts are #10.
White House exploding
Popular heroes presentation.
The destruction of Washington, D.C. in Independence Day is #1.
Number 12 in the Countdown
The 'Welcome to Earth.' scene is used.
movie is reviewed and compared to War of the Worlds
movie is reviewed
Clips shown
Oancitizen analyzes this movie.
Good Morning Dave Wav File
Binary Lunacy is #10.
Not So Hot Dog gets an honorable mention.
The placement of the Mac PowerBook in Independence Day gets an honorable mention.
Earth vs. Aliens is #9.
trailer takes #4
Crop Dusting gets an honorable mention.
Welcome to Earth is #3.
Independence Day is #10.
Brief shot of Hiller and Levinson is shown
Clip showed in the Memoriam section for James Rebhorn
The nuclear bomb scene in Independence Day is #7.
Independence Day, directed by Roland Emmerich, is #5.
among the abundance of disaster films
Welcome to Earth is #5.
Clip of the big speech in Independence Day is shown after Jerk talks about how Shrek got a deal with Universal.
Independence Day is #3.
PC to Alien Computer is #6.
Independence Day is #4.
clip shown
Number 5 in the countdown
The 'Boomer will live' meme pops up
Computer Virus is #4.
Clips, interviews and behind-the-scenes
Independence Day is #9.
movie is reviewed
Footage of Bill Pullman from the first film is shown
Today, the reactions would not be unanimous.
movie clips are shown
Independence Day is #10.
Footage is shown.
Mothership Escape is #4.
Clip is shown
movie clip is shown
July 4, 1996 is #10.
Russell Casse's battle biplane alternate ending takes #5
Time's Up is #9.
Independence Day is #10.
The Harvesters are #1.
The aerial battle is #8.
Rearranged NYC is #3.
clip shown as Mike talks about CGI being used sparingly in films throughout the 1990s.
Thomas J. Whitmore is the #6 pick.
90 Years of Oscar montage
Clip is shown
Clips are shown.
Independence Day is #9.
Independence Day Good Morning Dave Waver
A clip is shown.
The Aliens are #1.
Using a Nuclear Weapon on a Shielded Alien Ship is #7.
The White House Explodes is #1.
Audio of 'see the big tamale' featured.
Independence Day Good Morning
Will Smith is the winner for 'Favorite Hottest actor'
Opening a car door on a necking couple and pulling the girl out of the car, the way Biff does with Marty. Tiffany is made up to look comically similar to Lorraine.
Spoofed in
There is a mission where Fox has to destroy a mothership hovering over a base that plays out just like the final battle.
Spoofed as 'Co-Dependence Day'
The ending of the game is a funny homage of the ending of the film (SPOILERS: with a pilot crashing and destroying the alien ship)
This episode is a parody of the film.
The scene with the white house being destroyed by a ship's laser is re-enacted.
Ms. Glass spoofs the famous 'I'm baaack!' quote from the movie.
Zoidberg throws himself against the glass of the containment room to the horror of the onlookers - just as the alien in Independence Day does.
Alien ship is taken from Independence Day
When they find out about the 'Heart of Wall-Mart', Chef says 'Spread the word to other towns' to a military guy like in this movie
The earth is invaded by flying saucers and borrows a song from ID4.
Characters from the film offer advice on how to survive an alien attack
Food destroying National Monuments
Renee Zellweger auditions for this movie
Robert Loggia's character repeatedly mocked
This short is a spoof of a scene from Independence Day
If you look at the monitor next to Keswick, a UFO blasts a building that spoofs the White House.
the Grand Canyon chase scene
Spoofed in the cold opening
Parody skit