Ecu Masters Social Work Program
Master of Social Work (MSW) At the graduate level, the Master of Social Work (MSW) program aims to train social workers who contribute to the growth and success of the profession through advanced clinical practice, leadership, education, supervision, community development, program planning, administration, and advocacy. The Joint Master of Social Work Program is a unique program between North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University and The University of North Carolina at Greensboro.
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We have created a 2019 ranking of the best colleges in North Carolina that offer Social Work degrees to help you find a school that fits your needs. Each school's ranking is based on the compilation of our data from reliable government sources, student surveys, college graduate interviews, and editorial review. In addition, you can view our entire list of all 26 Social Work schools located within North Carolina. We also provide reviews, facts, and questions and answers for schools on our site and offer you access to get valuable information from colleges and universities today.
Best Social Work Colleges in North Carolina for 2019
Rank | School Name | Location | Description | Rating | |
1 | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | Chapel Hill, NC | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill offers 2 Social Work Degree programs. It's a large public university in a small city. In 2015, 145 students graduated in the study area of Social Work with students earning 134 Master's degrees, and 11 Doctoral degrees. | Based on 72 Reviews | Read more: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Reviews |
2 | North Carolina State University at Raleigh | Raleigh, NC | North Carolina State University at Raleigh offers 2 Social Work Degree programs. It's a large public university in a large city. In 2015, 110 students graduated in the study area of Social Work with students earning 56 Bachelor's degrees, and 54 Master's degrees. | Based on 36 Reviews | Read more: North Carolina State University at Raleigh Reviews |
3 | Appalachian State University | Boone, NC | Appalachian State University offers 2 Social Work Degree programs. It's a large public university in a far away town. In 2015, 133 students graduated in the study area of Social Work with students earning 111 Bachelor's degrees, and 22 Master's degrees. | Based on 32 Reviews | |
4 | Western Carolina University | Cullowhee, NC | Western Carolina University offers 2 Social Work Degree programs. It's a medium sized public university in a far away town. In 2015, 113 students graduated in the study area of Social Work with students earning 77 Bachelor's degrees, and 36 Master's degrees. | Based on 4 Reviews | |
5 | University of North Carolina Wilmington | Wilmington, NC | University of North Carolina Wilmington offers 2 Social Work Degree programs. It's a large public university in a mid sized city. In 2015, 113 students graduated in the study area of Social Work with students earning 95 Bachelor's degrees, and 18 Master's degrees. | Based on 28 Reviews | Read more: University of North Carolina Wilmington Reviews |
6 | East Carolina University | Greenville, NC | East Carolina University offers 2 Social Work Degree programs. It's a large public university in a small city. In 2015, 138 students graduated in the study area of Social Work with students earning 80 Master's degrees, and 58 Bachelor's degrees. | Based on 16 Reviews | |
7 | Fayetteville State University | Fayetteville, NC | Fayetteville State University offers 2 Social Work Degree programs. It's a medium sized public university in a mid sized city. In 2015, 111 students graduated in the study area of Social Work with students earning 81 Master's degrees, and 30 Bachelor's degrees. | ||
8 | University of North Carolina at Charlotte | Charlotte, NC | University of North Carolina at Charlotte offers 2 Social Work Degree programs. It's a large public university in a large city. In 2015, 98 students graduated in the study area of Social Work with students earning 53 Bachelor's degrees, and 45 Master's degrees. | Based on 20 Reviews | Read more: University of North Carolina at Charlotte Reviews |
9 | University of North Carolina at Greensboro | Greensboro, NC | University of North Carolina at Greensboro offers 2 Social Work Degree programs. It's a large public university in a large city. In 2015, 89 students graduated in the study area of Social Work with students earning 89 Bachelor's degrees. | Based on 28 Reviews | Read more: University of North Carolina at Greensboro Reviews |
10 | North Carolina A & T State University | Greensboro, NC | North Carolina A & T State University offers 4 Social Work Degree programs. It's a medium sized public university in a large city. In 2015, 107 students graduated in the study area of Social Work with students earning 64 Bachelor's degrees, 43 Master's degrees. | Read more: North Carolina A & T State University Reviews |
List of all Social Work Colleges in North Carolina
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Additional Social Work Degree Facts for North Carolina Schools
What Social Work degree programs were earned in North Carolina?
Degree Level | Program Length | Colleges | Graduates |
Bachelor's | 4-yearLength | 24Colleges | 991Graduates |
Certificates | < 1 yearLength | 2Colleges | 28Graduates |
Doctoral | 1-2 yearLength | 1Colleges | 11Graduates |
Master's | 1+ yearsLength | 12Colleges | 601Graduates |
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East Carolina University Review
East Carolina University is a large, public, four-year university enrolling 28,289 students and offering 197 degrees in Greenville, NC.
Check out the most popular majors and specific degrees students have earned at East Carolina University.
*Sources for school statistics and data include the U.S. Department of Education's National Center for Education Statistics and the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System. Data may vary depending on school and academic year.Check out the online programs offered at East Carolina University.
Didactic Program in Dietetics Accreditation Commission for Midwifery Education Nurse Midwifery (MIDWF) - Basic certificate and graduate nurse-midwifery education programs for registered nurses American Occupational Therapy Association, Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education Occupational Therapy (OT) - Professional Programs (College of Allied Health Sciences)
Occupational Therapy (OTM) - Programs leading to a Master's Degree American Physical Therapy Association, Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education Physical Therapy (PT) - Professional programs for the physical therapist American Psychological Association, Commission on Accreditation Clinical Psychology (CLPSY) - PhD Doctoral programs
School Psychology (SCPSY) - PhD Doctoral programs American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Council on Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology Clinical doctoral program in Audiology
Speech-Language Pathology (SLP) - Graduate degree programs Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education Nursing (CNDNP) - Nursing education programs at the doctorate degree levels
Nursing (CNURED) - Nursing education programs at the baccalaureate degree levels
Nursing (CNURED) - Nursing education programs at the graduate degree levels Commission on English Language Program Accreditation English Language

Internships full and part time with a good number of disorders for both adult and pediatric clients.
Rated January 2016Alumni gives a lot of support. annual reviews and magazines high lighting programs
Rated January 2016honor societies, public forums/events, one-on-one advising.
Rated January 2016I have no idea as to what resources are available for recent graduates.
Rated January 2016I only participated at a degree level, but they were always offering different opportunities from study groups, social outings, recreation on and off campus, sporting events, as well as discipline specific interest groups.
Rated January 2016undergraduates-it is a party school. graduate students-it is expected.
Ecu Social Work Masters Program
Rated January 2016A mix of serious and social students, not top drawer academics but well rounded and ambitious kids.
Rated January 2016I was in an older building that is no longer utilized but it was conducive to learning, the computer labs were staffed with knowledgable staff who could assist with most issues. I did not reside in a dorm or eat in the dining hall.
Rated January 2016The school upgrades as needed, state of the art
Rated January 2016East Carolina is a major institution, the second largest in North Carolina and has all of the desired and required facilities/amenities for a school catering to approx. 28,000 students.
Rated January 2016Popular activities - sporting events
Rated January 2016Medical school, arts programs, education
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Rated January 2016Walden University
Masters Social Work Job
I have no idea, I haven't lived on campus since 1988.
Rated January 2016Do you have questions about furthering your education with East Carolina University? People are listening and are ready to help. Plus, we're pretty sure others have the same question you do!